
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

IgG Plus ® - (Natural Colostrums Skim Milk)

IgG Plus ® - (Natural Colostrums Skim Milk)
Copyright Reserved ® 2007 - Smart Naco International

Contact Person Safri Ishak 021-8356185 HP 0815 1140 1617 or Email or Register

Untuk membeli produk silahkan menghubungi distributor kami:

Ade : Jl. Prof DR. Soepomo, SH No. 50 Pancoran Jakarta Selatan Telp. 83790468
Lasmi : Jl. Kebon Sirih Barat I No.8 Rt.6 Rw.2 Jakarta Pusat Telp. 70084417 GSM 08121072360
Ibu Neng : Jl. Tebet Barat V No. 12 Jakarta Selatan Telp. 8296762 atau 83792673
Erie : Perum Graha Mutiara Indah Blok A-35 Tarogong - GARUT, 081317253417 ata
u 081932767590
Pipit : Ruko Arlet J
l. Ratna No. 80, Jatikramat, Pondok Gede, BEKASI, Telp. 8477632

What is colostrum?

  • Colostrum is a pre-milk fluid secreted by mammalian mothers after giving birth during the first 24-36 hours of lactation.
  • Colostrum is a pre-milk fluid secreted by mammalian mothers after giving birth during the first 24-36 hours of lactation.
  • Since human colostrum is rare, we need to shift to other alternative like cow colostrum.
  • In fact, cow colostrum is safe and contains 4 times immune factor compared to human colostrum.
  • A type of low-lactose milk powder contains natural cow colostrum.
  • A quality product from New Zealand that: 100% natural, Free hormones/drugs/antibiotics/preservatives and chemicals, Contains Immunoglobulin (Ig), Provide balance nutrition

Kolostrum adalah cairan pra-susu yang dihasilkan oleh induk mamalia dalam 24-36 jam pertama setelah melahirkan (pasca-persalinan). Kolostrum mensuplai berbagai faktor kekebalan (faktor imun) dan faktor pertumbuhan pendukung kehidupan dengan kombinasi zat gizi (nutrien) yang sempurna untuk menjamin kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan, dan kesehatan bagi bayi yang baru lahir. Namun karena kolostrum manusia tidak selalu ada, maka kita harus bergantung pada sumber lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kolostrum sapi (bovine colostrum) sangat mirip dengan kolostrum manusia dan merupakan suatu alternatif yang aman. Bahkan ada laporan yang menyatakan bahwa kolostrum sapi empat kali lebih kaya akan faktor imun daripada kolostrum manusia.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Save Our Earth

Polarmint Help Reduce Global Warming.
Global warming is an average increase in the Earth's temperature. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of climate change, their concern is about global warming caused by human activities.

Dharma Adenium Nursery
Adenium Nursery in Jakarta

Susu Kesehatan IgG Plus ® (Natural Colostrum Skim Milk)
Colostrums is a pre-milk fluid secreted by mammalian mothers after giving birth during the first 24-36 hours of lactation. Colostrums supplies immune factor and growth factor for whole life.

The Action Blog!
What would happen if every blog published posts on the same topic, on the same day? One issue. One day. Thousands of voices.

Orangutan Foundation International (OFI)
Welcome to OFI the
website. Inside you will learn about the Great Red Ape and what we are doing to study and conserve them. You will also find that you can help us make a big difference in the survival of the endangered orangutan.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Established in 1961, WWF Foperates in more than 100 countries working for a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.We are currently funding around 2,000 conservation projects and employ almost 4,000 people across the planet.


Smokey says
"Remember our friends in the forest".

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